Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Prodigal Son

Hey Bible Stories students,

Here is the song I tried to play without success in class yesterday. Have a listen! It tells the story of the Prodigal Son. One of the key elements of the story is missing though, can you figure it out?

Go to this link:




Verse 1:
When I left my father’s house
I was well supplied,
I made a mistake and I did wrong
And I’m dissatisfied.

I believe I’ll go back home,
I believe I’ll go back home,
I believe I’ll go back home,
Acknowledge I done wrong.

Verse 2:
I’ll go back to my father’s house,
I’ll fall down on my face,
Say that I’m unworthy
And seek a servant’s place.
I’ll go back to my father’s house,
The place I love so dear,
There they have food to eat
And I’m a-starving here.


Verse 3:
Father saw him coming
He met him with a smile,
Threw his arms around him
Said this is my wandering child.
Father said to his servants,
Go kill a fatted calf,
Invite both friends and relatives
My son’s come home at last.


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